Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Been Awhile

Hello Blog World,
It has been almost 5 months...sorry. Lot to catch up on.
1st I would like to say the my babies, Bruno & Merecedes turned 15 on 4/19.  They have been great dogs, and great companions.  Since they are 105 in dog years, I know time with them will be short.  Bruno hasnt been feeling great lately, and I love to spend time with them as much as I can.   It is hard to say good bye to a great friend, but I treasure the time I have had with them. Merecedes is acting like a puppy again, and running around and being crazy, love it.  I have been recording them on camera alot lately, so I can look back and see them. (see below).  And then there is Mya, who is 7 and the ruler of our house....
The hubby and I are doing great.  We celebrated our 4 years on 2/28.  Been a great 4 years, of course there has been some lows, but we have worked through them and came out of the valley.

I bought a bicyle about a month ago, and at 1st was afraid to ride it, since the last time I did was in 1993.  But since then I have been riding a few times a week, and longer trips.  I am loving it! I have lost 20 pounds also through eating better and it really works!!

Sorry not to much here.....