Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekend with Travis County's Finest

So as some of you know - I have gotten in trouble in the past - 3 DWI's and then in December I got a PI while on probation. I know - all very wrong - got it. So I went to court Friday morning, expecting to go to jail for the weekend. I was mentally prepared - well somewhat. I arrived at 9am, saw the judge at 11am and by 1130 I was in cuffs in the back of the court room awaiting to be processed. It took about 30 minutes and then I was in APD's drunk tank, till 3pm. I was able to make my 5 minute free call, called my mom, and my man. I got teared up talking to him but he told me to stay strong. So I did. I sat there with two other guys I talked to who also were sent to jail from the same court room. You see some interesting people there - a great place to people watch - but you really dont want to be there. People came in drunk off their ass at noon on a friday, who would have thought. Anyway so I was then taken back and got the stripes and started the long process. This was at 4pm.

I was moved upstairs to the single cell, the place I dread because I hate being closed in and not able to talk to anyone. They gave us dinner, well it was bologna and pretzels. I ate the sandwich, but saved the pretzels then found out you can's save them. I was really hungry, I only ate a small breakfast at 8am because my nerves I could not eat much. All I did while in there was rock back and forth while looking out the small window. I slept maybe 20 minutes. So I was there till 9pm, then I was moved to a different holding cell with 2 people room. Once I got there I felt better, because there is a window to the outside, and I was able to talk to my cell mate. They then opened up the door and we were able to meet in the common area and talk till around 10:30pm. I heard some stories - wow...

I finally fell asleep and we woke up at 4am to get breakfast, some eggs, a roll and jelly and some pourage. I went back to sleep for two hours or so and then they got us together and told us we were going to Del Valle, the county jail. I was happy but the process took two hours to get us toether and handcuffed together and moved on the bus. Once we got there we were dropped off based on offense and length of time you were staying. I went to a low security work realease location. We got there around 11am and just missed lunch, but they had two trays, bologna again.

The room was large - held 24 people, 12 bunk beds. They were watching tv, and playing cards, I made my bed, and ate my food and no one talked. After awhile, I got up and picked up a book - Seabiscuit - read 80 pages, more than I have read in over a year. We were then told we had an electrical fire and had to leave and move to a different room. They went all through our room and tossed everything around and threw out stuff. You cant have taped pencils, and this and that. You find out what you "cherish" there - your spoon and your watercup. If you are there for awhile you are able to get the commissary and get food - Ramen is the most popular. We were allowed back in and people were mad because there stuff was went through and some stuff tossed. Since I just got there I had nothing to worry about. So I watched some tv and started to talk to some guys, heard why there were there and when they were getting out. Dinner time came around and it was "enchildadas" and beans and apple sauce - wonders for my stomach - yuck. I ate it because I was hungry. We then had quiet hour, and then were able to watch tv, and then had 30 minutes quiet time. Which no one is really quiet, you just have to stay in your bed. Then we got the last 90 minutes of tv. We watched some show in Univision, and then Law & ironic...right. At 10:30 it was lights out, but some guys talked and talked. I guess I fell asleep at 11:30 or so and was awoken at 4am for more eggs and biscuit, and wet cereals this time.

I fell back asleep and then at 830 they called my name and said it was my time to go home. I was happy - It took till 9:45 to get out and then I waited for the bus and was home around 11:30.

So lessons learned - your valuables change when you are in there, and there is still a feel of community. Trust me I never want to be back there.

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